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Zoe MSc Veterinary Physiotherapist @Fit-Pet Physio
Fully insured, AHPR registered & MNAVP
"Helping dedicated active dog owners to optimise their dogs health and fitness so that they can live a long and happy life"
Fit-Pet Physio
Feb 27, 20242 min read
Scared you won't be able to afford vets fees? 3 tips for reducing costs
With the cost of things rising, something on all our minds is the worry of affording any unexpected or recurrent vet fees. We all want...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jul 20, 20212 min read
5 Steps to prepare your pet for vet physiotherapy
Perhaps what’s holding you back from getting your pet vet physiotherapy is not knowing how they will react, will they enjoy it, will they...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jul 13, 20212 min read
Why is dog agility good for dogs?
We hear a lot about the risks in agility and what not to do but how about we take a look at the positives too? Why is agility important?...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jul 7, 20212 min read
Vet Physio for dogs after surgery? Yes or No?
Did you know that surgery is just the start of your dog’s road to recovery? Surgery recommended by your vet is a brilliant first step and...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jun 30, 20213 min read
Best places to walk dogs in West Yorkshire
5 best places to walk in West Yorkshire for all dogs whether they be young, old, recovering from an injury or surgery or are nervous.
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Fit-Pet Physio
May 26, 20213 min read
What do vet physios do for our pets?
Maybe you’re toying with the idea of getting vet physio for your pets or perhaps you’ve never heard of vet physio before? So lets start...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Apr 6, 20213 min read
5 Ways to Prevent Injuries in Dogs
You know that sinking feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you feel guilty, lost and have managed to convince yourself it was...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Mar 9, 20213 min read
Does my pet need a chiropractor or veterinary physiotherapist?
How to choose your rehab professional... Very valid question! There are a whole host of highly qualified professionals in the...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Feb 24, 20214 min read
Vet physio for performance: 3 Signs your Pet needs Vet Physio NOW!
Why vet physio isn’t just for injured or sick dogs and horse's but for the fit and healthy ones too! It’s often easy to think ‘I don’t...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 11, 20212 min read
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Why you Need it.
PEMF is a form of magnetic therapy that generates a low-level electromagnetic field. This aids in re-establishing cellular voltage, as...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 8, 20212 min read
Why is my Horse Lame?
Ergh why is my horse lame?! It’s the age old question isn’t it. You know the saying “if you look at it long enough you’ll find a...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 8, 20212 min read
Why is my Dog Limping?
Noticing a limb or lameness in our dogs can be a worrying time for us as owners. But firstly is your dog lame? How do you know and what...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 8, 20211 min read
Vet physio vs Massage
How do you choose? And What’s even the difference? So let’s start by looking at the difference between veterinary physiotherapy and...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 8, 20214 min read
What is Animal/Vet Physiotherapy?
Simply the use of vet physiotherapy (manual, electro and exercise therapies) in animals primarily dogs and horses. Veterinary...
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Fit-Pet Physio
Jan 8, 20212 min read
Will Veterinary Physiotherapy Help my Pets Knee Pain and Help Strengthen their Knee?
In our dogs and horse's there are lots of causes for knee (stifle) weakness or pain. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for us as...
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