Once you’ve decided you’d like to get a vet physio to see your pet you then have a couple more decisions to make, the first of which being do you want to go to a clinic or see a mobile vet physio, and I’ve written this very short blog to help you decide.
Let’s take a look at the positives and negatives of at home vet physio vs in a clinic:
Why am I a mobile Vet Physio?
Dogs are more relaxed in their own home so I get a better feel of their muscles and can identify tension that is often missed in a clinic
Perfect for disabled dogs or those unable to travel
Less stressful for fearful, anxious or reactive dogs
More time for you- no wasted time stuck in traffic trying to get to a clinic
I get a better sense of your dogs whole life and any struggles they have around the home/garden meaning appointments are focused fully on assessment and treatment and not lots of questions or paperwork
No judgement of your home but I can suggest improvements to help your dog live a pain free and happy life
Perfect for highly active dogs who love to explore so they can just focus on their session and not all the new smells of a clinic
Perfect for dogs fearful of the vets as dogs often think a rehab clinic is a vets
Better relationship between client, patient and therapist- clients often tell me they feel more relaxed after their pets session!!
You see the same therapist everytime no being past around
Disadvantages of at home vet physio?
No hydrotherapy you would have to go to a clinic for this but I do have links with local clinics that I can recommend
No sick/holiday cover- there are other therapists at a clinic if your usual therapist is unavailable
Whatever you decide, please ensure your vet physio is fully qualified and insured. You can find a list of registered therapists on the AHPR website (https://www.ahpr.org.uk/the-register/?directory_type=general&in_cat=32&in_loc=101) and members of the NAVP on their website (https://www.navp.co.uk/ca-west-yorkshire.html).
Few pics of my happy clients as a reward for getting to the end!
